Your life is not lying in wait in the future like a wild animal or some ominous destiny. Nor is it hidden in the heavens, like a paradise or promise. Nor is it shut up in the cave or the prison of your past. It is here and now; it is what you live and what you do. At the heart of being; at the heart of the present; at the heart of everything – in the great current of life, of reality.
Andre Comte-Sponville

Sunday, June 15, 2008


This is our lot!

Girls digging for gold!:)

Stamped crawlspace

Rocks for driveway
Layer one of driveway
Log truck
Lumber truck
Our "house" on the lot
Our "house" tarped on the lot
I've finally downloaded pictures of our lot - things are really moving along! The log home package was delivered on two trucks this weekend so Dave was very busy! Once the wood was off the truck he had to sort out all the logs and wood and then cover it all with tarps to protect it. The doors and windows, also, came on the trucks so we took them to a storage unit to keep them out of the elements until we are ready for them. Our friend, Bob, helped Dave out on Sat. so it was good that Dave had help!

The carpenter is starting the first floor deck on Monday and he should be done by the end of the week so Dave will be able to start putting up the first floor logs this weekend!
I'll post more pictures soon!

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