My poor baby wiped out!!!

Jack of all trades - the master of none? Nope, that's not my husband - he is the Jack of all trades AND the master of ALL. Am I biased? Maybe but for those that know him they would probably agree w/ me. I have always been amazed by Dave. He knows how to do anything - truly, he does! He can do carpentry, plumbing, electrical, computers, cars and more! We rarely have to hire anyone to do anything. He gutted and remodeled two kitchens, built a huge deck, put in a patio, put up walls, knocked down walls, put in tile floors, put in central air conditioning, put in the electrical system for a friend's house, fixed and programmed computers - there's too much to mention!! I often ask him how the heck he knows how to do all this stuff and he just says "I don't know - I just figure it out." And he always does!
And, now, he is building this cabin. He is loving it but he is exhausted - the picture above is him after a long day of working on the cabin. He was at a friend's house for a cookout and fell asleep in a chair after being there for only a couple hours! He works his full-time job all week and works on the cabin all weekend - he is the hardest worker I have ever known! I worry about him and will be so glad when the cabin is done so he can rest again.
I wanted to do this post so that he will know how much I appreciate all that he can do and all that he is. He is a great husband and an incredible father. No matter how busy he is he always finds time to spend time w/ the girls. My husband is a wonderful person and we are so lucky to have him!