Your life is not lying in wait in the future like a wild animal or some ominous destiny. Nor is it hidden in the heavens, like a paradise or promise. Nor is it shut up in the cave or the prison of your past. It is here and now; it is what you live and what you do. At the heart of being; at the heart of the present; at the heart of everything – in the great current of life, of reality.
Andre Comte-Sponville

Monday, October 27, 2008


The cabin looks awesome! Dave is doing such a great job. The roof is completed, the outside staining is done and all the windows are in. The back door is in and he is hoping to put the front door in this weekend and then we will be completely shelled in - yea!!

The leaves are changing and Wildwood looks beautiful! I'll try to take some pictures this weekend and post them.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

~Gone To The Dogs~

I'm tired -really tired! And it's because of my three dogs. Listen, I love dogs (see previous post) but I love them to a fault. Our dogs have taken over our bed - I am getting no sleep. I am a walking zombie during the day! My dogs love me as much as I love them so they feel the need to cuddle up against me while they sleep. Now, I am a BIG gal but somehow they cuddle me right over to the edge of the bed and my big ass hangs, precariously, off the side. I spend most of the night trying to balance myself so that I don't fall off the bed!

Okay, so I know this problem is my own fault but 90% of the time I don't even realize they've done it until I wake up hanging off the bed. They are sneaky little devils! Anyway, the lack of sleep is really starting to get to me so no more! I'm taking back the bed! The dogs aren't going to be happy.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

~Cruelty to Animals~

I LOVE dogs - I ADORE them! If I lived on a farm I would have fifty dogs! I will never understand how anyone can harm an innocent animal.

Yesterday Brenna, Aubree, Nic and Luc were in our backyard playing and then I heard a yelping of some sort and just as I got up to investigate what was happening Brenna starts screaming from the yard and ran into the house hysterical. She could barely breathe so it was hard to understand what she was trying to tell me but I could make out the words - "man", "dog", "beating", so I ran to the yard and the kids were pointing to a house two doors down. This man was beating his very small terrier dog with some kind of pole - I lost it!

As I said, I love dogs but, of course, I love my girls and my nephews more and not only was this man beating his helpless dog but, even worse, he was beating the dogs right in front of my kids. I SCREAMED to him, "You stop beating that dog-my kids can see you!" - He yells back, "Why don't you mind your own business?!" - I say, "Listen, (#*@%), you made it my business when you did this in front of my kids! I'm calling the cops!" - He yells back, "Go ahead, call the cops!". So, I did.

They cops arrive, they take my statement, they go to the guy's door, he denies doing it! The cops tells me that he knows the guy is lying but all they can do is give him a warning but if we witness this again - he will then get a $300 fine. WTF!?

So, basically, nothing at all was done to this guy! In the mean time, the poor dog is still living with this maniac AND my kids are traumatized! Brenna has been crying over this off and on since it happened because she can't get the vision out of her head. She can't understand why the police would leave the dog with such a horrible man. And she's right - the dog should be taken away from this man. He's a sicko - what is wrong with people!?!

I would like to get the chance to beat the man with a pole and see how he likes it!