and here she is today...
It seems like such a short time ago I was finding out I was pregnant with Brenna. It was Feb. 2nd, 2000 - the day after I turned 28 years old and what an awesome birthday present it was!! The minute - no, the second! - I found out I was pregnant I was in love!! I loved this girl from the moment I knew she was inside me. I quit my job right after finding out I was pregnant, and I spent the next nine months, in bliss, waiting for her to come! I loved being pregnant! I spent my days talking to her ... almost as if she was already here.:) And when she, finally, arrived - oh my....the love just doubled, then tripled, then quadrupled, then quintupled, as the days went on!! I cried with joy every time I looked at her - I was in awe of her. And the loves just keeps growing...
Brenna is a delight - pure and simple. She's kind, funny, stubborn (sticks to her guns, I love it), talented, smart, creative, mischievious (in a good way!), outgoing, and loving. Oh, trust me, I could go on and on, but I wouldn't want anyone to think I'm bragging.:)
Happy Birthday, Brennie!! I love you. Thank you for bringing so much good to my life!!!!
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