Your life is not lying in wait in the future like a wild animal or some ominous destiny. Nor is it hidden in the heavens, like a paradise or promise. Nor is it shut up in the cave or the prison of your past. It is here and now; it is what you live and what you do. At the heart of being; at the heart of the present; at the heart of everything – in the great current of life, of reality.
Andre Comte-Sponville

Friday, January 20, 2012

**The Little Things**

Oh my gosh, I just found out that The Wonder Years is available on Netflix for instant streaming!  Remember The Wonder Years??

Come on?  Who didn't love The Wonder Years?!

I'm so excited!  I used to watch this show all the time!  Netflix has all six seasons, so it's going to be a fun weekend!  I can't wait for my girls to see it!

It's the little things in life, ya know? :)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

**Letting Go**

I'm feeling the need to move on from some people in my life - not to be mean or vengeful, just so that I can have less stress, and more peace in my life.  I can't change people, and some people don't want to change, or can't change, because they can't see who they are, or how they affect others.  Also, sometimes relationships don't work out because people don't "fit", and that's just life.  So, I'm letting go, and I won't be looking back.

"Letting go doesn't mean giving up, but rather accepting that there are things that cannot be." ~ Anon

Monday, January 2, 2012


Another new year...already!  2011 zipped by, didn't it?  This is what I blogged at the beginning of 2011:

Time really does fly! My girls are 10 and 7 1/2 already, and this time with them is precious, so I look forward to this year ahead with them - watching them live, grow, and learn.
In 2011, I, also, hope to get healthy by eating healthful foods and moving more. I hope to spend more alone time with my husband. I hope to continue to spend time with friends. I hope to spend more time with my parents, my sister and her boys. I hope to take more field trip with my girls. I hope to read more books. I hope to blog more.

I did get a bit more healthy in 2011.  I lost almost 30 pounds, and I exercise on a regular basis now.  I did spend more time with my nephews - I made lots of visits to their house, and they spent the night with us, at least, once a month.  Unfortunately, I don't feel like I spent a whole lot of time with my parents and my sister, so I'm going to keep working on this.  I, definitely, spent less time on my friendships this year (dealing with busy schedules and, also, some other issues), but I'm hoping to work on these friendships.  I did not have much alone time with my husband.  He is VERY busy with work, but we need to make our relationship a priority, so this is, definitely, something we need to work on.  I, obviously, spend alot of time with my girls already, but I want to work on spending more individual time with each of the girls, which was a goal I did not meet last year, so I'll be working on this, too.

I feel like 2012 is going to be another busy year, BUT that doesn't mean it has to be a stressful one.  I just need to learn to throw in some fun on the busy days, so the stress doesn't get the best of us, which can sometimes happen.  I'm looking forward to this year - it's going to be good!